Results for 'Carla Susana Vieira Gonçalves'

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  1.  33
    (1 other version)Speeches and power in Tacitus’ Histories.Carla Susana Vieira Gonçalves - 2015 - Archai: Revista de Estudos Sobre as Origens Do Pensamento Ocidental 15:37-42.
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  2. A possibilidade de pensar a filosofia na perspectiva da diferença: impregnando a formação de professores e experimentando o inédito // The possibility thinking philosophy in perspective of difference.Carla Gonçalves Rodrigues & Schnorr - 2014 - Conjectura: Filosofia E Educação 19 (3):36-49.
    Como a filosofia da diferença pode impregnar a formação de professores nesta contemporaneidade por intermédio de arranjos múltiplos, da disseminação de saberes diversos, dos encontros variados e das composições inéditas, a partir dos passeios urbanos? Eis a questão norteadora da escrita deste texto, iniciada na pesquisa-intervenção denominada Tramas e usos do passeio urbano: por uma estética professoral . Entendendo que os saberes estão sempre se transformando e se relacionando, objetivamos tecer tramas entre a filosofia da diferença, as ciências educativas e (...)
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  3. Subjetivações em meio à vida universitária e sua interface com o aprender inventivo.Carla Gonçalves Rodrigues & Lisandra Berni Osório - 2016 - Conjectura: Filosofia E Educação 21 (3):538-560.
    Nosso objetivo é problematizar os modos de subjetivações em interface com o aprender que se circunscreve em meio à vida no ambiente universitário. Para além de critérios avaliativos e paradigmas psicológicos, buscamos a temática do aprender sob o viés das Filosofias da Diferença, perpassando pelo escopo da inventividade. Nessa direção, encontramos, em Deleuze, a ideia de que o pensamento produz uma diferença quando é coagido pelo encontro com os signos que o forçam, desdobrando, daí, algo que lhe confira novo sentido. (...)
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  4. O motivo épico da teichoscopia. Confronto do modelo de Ilíada, 166-242 e de Fenícias.Carla Gonçalves - 2001 - Humanitas 53:141-170.
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    Philosophy of Childhood and children's Political Participation: Poli(s)Phonic Challenges.Susana Brissos Matos & Paula Alexandra Vieira - 2023 - Childhood and Philosophy 19:01-23.
    What challenges does the political participation of children pose to the Philosophy of Childhood? What challenges does the Philosophy of Childhood pose to children's political participation? This text is inspired by the idea that “research is not about enumerating situations, but making researchers lose their sleep”. It is divided into two distinct parts. In the first, we introduce the theoretical framework that orients our research group and our work with children in the philosophical research community. We posit a link between (...)
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  6.  75
    Organizational and Job Resources on Employees’ Job Insecurity During the First Wave of COVID-19: The Mediating Effect of Work Engagement.Joana Vieira dos Santos, Sónia P. Gonçalves, Isabel S. Silva, Ana Veloso, Rita Moura & Catarina Brandão - 2022 - Frontiers in Psychology 12.
    The world of work has been severely affected by the COVID-19 pandemic due to the high instability observed in the labor market, bringing several new challenges for leaders and employees. The present study aims to analyze the role of organizational and job resources in predicting employees’ job insecurity during the first wave of the COVID-19 outbreak, through the mediating role of work engagement. A sample of 207 Portuguese employees participated, of which 64.7% were women. Data was collected using an online (...)
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    “‘It is very difficult in this business if you want to have a good conscience’: pharmaceutical governance and on-the-ground ethical labor in Ghana”: a letter to editors.Livia Maria de Souza Gonçalves, Felipe Felizardo Mattos Vieira, Ariadne Botto Fiorot, Sthefany Brito Salomão & Luciano Soares - 2023 - Global Bioethics 34 (1):1-3.
    Establishing effective pharmaceutical governance is a challenge for government agencies, private enterprises, and professionals working on the ground, demanding complex ethical decisions from the actors involved, especially in a lower-middle-income country like Ghana. This letter aims to share the author’s perspectives and additional considerations on the analyses of the reports in the paper “It is very difficult in this business if you want to have a good conscience”: pharmaceutical governance and on-the-ground ethical labor in Ghana by Hampshire et al. The (...)
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  8. O livro Г da Metafí­sica de Aristóteles: Ontologia - a Ciência do Ser enquanto Ser.Susana Amaral Vieira - 1995 - Princípios 2 (3):155-165.
    o objetivo do presente artigo é o de apontar para o modo em que se realiza a ciência aristotélica do ser enquanto ser. Para isso é necessário esclarecer as noções de "analogia" e "substância", A autora nega a concepçáo realista da substância e pretende situar a questáo dentro do universo semântico e interpretativo da linguagem.
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    Inovação e Conflito nos Capítulos I ao III de O Príncipe de Maquiavel: Pocock e Lefort Contra o Reducionismo Socioeconômico da Noção de Classe na Interpretação de McCormick.Otávio Gonçalves Vieira - 2023 - Analytica. Revista de Filosofia 25 (1):16-31.
    ResumoO artigo aponta o reducionismo da determinação exclusivamente socioeconômica do povo e dos grandes na interpretação de McCormick sobre Maquiavel. Este reducionismo resulta em uma leitura limitada de O Príncipe, não examinando satisfatoriamente os capítulos I ao III e o problema da inovação neles expresso. Defende-se que estes capítulos e este problema podem ser examinados pela tematização do conflito, quando se considera a questão da desunião entre grandes e povo para além do seu caráter socioeconômico.Uma comparação entre as leituras de (...)
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  10.  29
    Embodiment Comfort Levels During Motor Imagery Training Combined With Immersive Virtual Reality in a Spinal Cord Injury Patient.Carla Pais-Vieira, Pedro Gaspar, Demétrio Matos, Leonor Palminha Alves, Bárbara Moreira da Cruz, Maria João Azevedo, Miguel Gago, Tânia Poleri, André Perrotta & Miguel Pais-Vieira - 2022 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 16.
    Brain–machine interfaces combining visual, auditory, and tactile feedback have been previously used to generate embodiment experiences during spinal cord injury rehabilitation. It is not known if adding temperature to these modalities can result in discomfort with embodiment experiences. Here, comfort levels with the embodiment experiences were investigated in an intervention that required a chronic pain SCI patient to generate lower limb motor imagery commands in an immersive environment combining visual, auditory, tactile, and thermal feedback. Assessments were made pre-/ post-, throughout (...)
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    Effectiveness of Mobile App-Based Psychological Interventions for College Students: A Systematic Review of the Literature.Carla Oliveira, Anabela Pereira, Paula Vagos, Catarina Nóbrega, José Gonçalves & Beatriz Afonso - 2021 - Frontiers in Psychology 12.
    Serious mental health disorders are increasing among college students and university counseling services are often overburdened. Mobile applications for mental health have been growing exponentially in the last decade and they are emerging in university settings as a promising tool to promote and intervene in college students' mental health. Additionally, considering the recent covid-19 pandemic, mHealth interventions, due to its nature and possibilities, may play an important role in these institutions. Our main objectives are to explore mhealth interventions in universities, (...)
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  12. Por um aprender da invenção: modos de ler-escrever em oficinas de escrileituras // For a learning of invention: modes of read-write in escrileituras's workshops.Josimara Wikboldt Schwantz & Carla Gonçalves Rodrigues - 2016 - Conjectura: Filosofia E Educação 21 (2):362-384.
    Levando em consideração a ideia de aprender para Deleuze, este artigo tem por objetivo investigar os modos como vêm sendo realizadas intervenções nas práticas de leitura e de escritura em escolas brasileiras da rede pública que aderiram ao projeto denominado Escrileituras: um modo de ler-escrever em meio à vida, durante seus quatro anos de desenvolvimento, de 2010 a 2014. Este trabalho prioriza a análise de Oficinas planejadas e desenvolvidas por diferentes universidades do país na composição de quatro núcleos de pesquisa. (...)
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  13.  11
    Ateliês de Escrileituras.Samuel Molina Schnorr, Carla Gonçalves Rodrigues & Josimara Wikboldt Schwantz - 2016 - Revista Sul-Americana de Filosofia E Educação 24:157-165.
    A investigação operou por meio dos Ateliês de Escrileituras: Conatus e Rabiscos de sensações na produção de um corpo crianceiro. O trabalho teve por objetivo fazer “escrever a n-1”, segundo um agenciamento rizomático de saberes. Produziram-se escrituras a partir de elementos extraídos da arte, da filosofia e da ciência. Destacam-se os Ateliês na proposta de uma escrita que extraí a unidade da multiplicidade, de uma vida potente e saudável.
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    Gender asymmetries in Portuguese trade unions: The case of the CGTP-IN.Rui Vieira Cruz, Carla Cerqueira & Maria Helena Santos - 2022 - European Journal of Women's Studies 29 (1):54-71.
    Gender imbalances persist throughout the world, particularly at leadership level, and equally also visible in the case of trade unions. This article focuses on CGTP-IN, the largest Portuguese trade union confederation, and sets out analysis incorporating both figures from this organisation and accounts by female members of CGTP-IN unions. Results confirm the existence of gender asymmetries, especially at the highest leadership levels. Analysis of the discourses of these women leaders reveals some awareness of the influence of gender on professional relations, (...)
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  15.  17
    Kafka na problematização da docência: o devir-animal como linha de fuga.Josimara Wikboldt Schwantz, Carla Gonçalves Rodrigues & João Pereira Matos - 2019 - Conjectura: Filosofia E Educação 24:019026.
    Neste texto pretendemos explorar a ideia de devir a partir da novela “A metamorfose” de Franz Kafka. Pela leitura, evidenciamos a presença da animalidade na sua escrita, de maneira que nos chama a atenção a insistência em dar voz às questões emergentes da sociedade e do modo de vida, não somente animal, mas humano: A metamorfose de Gregor Samsa, que acorda numa manhã transformado em um inseto. Partimos, também, da concepção de devir para os filósofos Deleuze e Guattari enquanto estado (...)
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  16.  81
    Escrita acadêmica na escrita reflexiva profissional: citações de literatura científica em relatórios de estágio supervisionado.Lívia Chaves de Melo, Adair Vieira Gonçalves & Wagner Rodrigues Silva - 2013 - Bakhtiniana 8 (1):95-119.
    Neste artigo, investigamos práticas de citação de literatura científica na escrita reflexiva do gênero relatório de estágio supervisionado, produzido por professores em formação, em disciplinas de estágio obrigatório em Ensino de Língua Inglesa numa Licenciatura em Letras. Analisaremos, especificamente, como esses professores se representam a partir de citações de literatura científica, e caracterizaremos algumas funções exercidas pelas citações na escrita reflexiva emergente na esfera acadêmica. Utilizamos a abordagem dialógica da linguagem dos estudos bakhtinianos como referencial teórico de base, além de (...)
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  17.  26
    Ciência, tecnologia e sociedade: ensino de Ciências no referencial pós-estruturalista.Samuel Molina Schnorr & Carla Gonçalves Rodrigues - 2017 - Filosofia E Educação 9 (3):46.
    Na presente investigação, objetivou-se analisar, a partir do referencial teórico e metodológico pós-estruturalista, os conceitos de Ciência, Tecnologia e Sociedade na trama com a educação e o ensino de Ciências. Como substrato teórico são utilizadas obras de Michel Foucault, Gilles Deleuze e Felix Guattari, ofertando pistas para ampliar a discussão destes conceitos. Na reunião dos saberes investigados, afirma-se um pensamento científico que desenvolve a produção de sentidos para a educação. Diante do exposto, pensa-se em um ensino, que crie estratégias de (...)
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  18.  35
    Filosofias da diferença e a formação de professores: experimentações com ateliê de escrileituras.Samuel Molina Schnorr, Carla Gonçalves Rodrigues & Josimara Wikboldt Schwantz - 2017 - Educação E Filosofia 31 (61):369-384.
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  19.  38
    Making ocean literacy inclusive and accessible.Boris Worm, Carla Elliff, Juliana Graça Fonseca, Fiona R. Gell, Catarina Serra-Gonçalves, Noelle K. Helder, Kieran Murray, Hoyt Peckham, Lucija Prelovec & Kerry Sink - 2021 - Ethics in Science and Environmental Politics 21:1-9.
    Engagement in marine science has historically been the privilege of a small number of people with access to higher education, specialised equipment and research funding. Such constraints have often limited public engagement and may have slowed the uptake of ocean science into environmental policy. Recognition of this disconnect has spurred a growing movement to promote ocean literacy, defined as one’s individual understanding of how the ocean affects people and how people affect the ocean. Over the last 2 decades, this concept (...)
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  20.  25
    Sobre la modernidad y el otro en la obra Islands of decolonial love de Leanne Simpson.Maria de Fátima Lopes Vieira Falcão, Naiana Siqueira Galvão, Gislãne Gonçalves Silva & Cícero da Silva - 2021 - Logos: Revista de Lingüística, Filosofía y Literatura 31 (2):394-407.
    Este trabajo tiene como objetivo discutir la modernidad y el otro en la obra Islands of Decolonial Love, de Leanne Simpson. El autor presenta una voz indígena persuasiva que ha atraído la atención de muchos lectores más allá de las fronteras del Canadá sobre cuestiones relacionadas con la tierra y los indígenas, el extractivismo y el medio ambiente. En la obra enfocada, el autor acerca al lector no indígena a la construcción del conocimiento indígena presentando un material que va más (...)
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  21.  18
    Job Satisfaction of Fitness Professionals in Portugal: A Comparative Study of Gender, Age, Professional Experience, Professional Title, and Educational Qualifications.Liliana Ricardo Ramos, Dulce Esteves, Isabel Vieira, Susana Franco & Vera Simões - 2021 - Frontiers in Psychology 11:621526.
    This research characterizes and compares the job satisfaction of fitness professionals in Portugal between genders, ages, professional experience, professional title, and educational qualifications. A total of 401 fitness professionals answered the online questionnaire Job Satisfaction Scale, which has 16 factors rated on a Likert scale with seven levels. The statistical analysis comprises descriptive and statistical tests to compare the results of two (t-test) or more (ANOVA) groups. Overall, the results demonstrated that fitness professionals were moderately satisfied with their work. The (...)
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  22.  50
    Serious Game Platform as a Possibility for Home-Based Telerehabilitation for Individuals With Cerebral Palsy During COVID-19 Quarantine – A Cross-Sectional Pilot Study.Talita Dias da Silva, Paula Lumy da Silva, Elisa de Jesus Valenzuela, Eduardo Dati Dias, Amanda Orasmo Simcsik, Mariana Giovanelli de Carvalho, Anne Michelli Gomes Gonçalves Fontes, Camila Aparecida de Oliveira Alberissi, Luciano Vieira de Araújo, Murilo Vinícius da Costa Brandão, Helen Dawes & Carlos Bandeira de Mello Monteiro - 2021 - Frontiers in Psychology 12.
    IntroductionThere is a need to maintain rehabilitation activities and motivate movement and physical activity during quarantine in individuals with Cerebral Palsy.ObjectiveThis paper sets out to evaluate the feasibility and potential benefits of using computer serious game in a non-immersive virtual reality implemented and evaluated completely remotely in participants with CP for Home-Based Telerehabilitation during the quarantine period for COVID-19.MethodsUsing a cross-sectional design, a total of 44 individuals participated in this study between March and June 2020, 22 of which had CP (...)
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  23.  21
    Segurança Alimentar e Nutricional Em Tempos de Covid-19: Impactos Na África, América Latina e Portugal.Maitu Abibo Buanango, Lilian Fernanda Galesi-Pacheco, Yudi Paulina Garcia Ramirez, Cristina Amaro da Costa, Jaqueline Sgarbi Santos, Ana Pinto de Loura & Carla Maria Vieira - 2020 - Simbio-Logias Revista Eletrônica de Educação Filosofia e Nutrição 12 (16):100-117.
    Economic and sanitary crises have great repercussions on access to food and the health of the population. In this context, austerity policies can have devastating effects on social rights. The purpose of this essay is to reflect on the impact of various types of crises on the Human Right to Adequate Food and Nutrition (DHANA) and on Food and Nutritional Security (SAN) of vulnerable populations and to identify of public policies, programs and actions developed based on the relief of the (...)
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    Alfabetização como empoderamento da cidadania em idosas com doença crônica.Luzia Wilma Santana da Silva, Ítalo Oliveira Chaves, Letícia Santos Azevedo, Neuziele Miranda da Silva, Carla Manoela Oliveira de Araújo, Leiliane Hilário Gonçalves dos Santos Correia, Eulina Patrícia Oliveira Ramos Pires & Juciara de Santana Silva - 2020 - Odeere 5 (9):408-437.
    O artigo verificou se após um programa de alfabetização, pessoas adulto-idosas com doenças crônicas apresentaram capacidade cognitiva à autonomia e autoconfiança aos cuidados de saúde. De método qualitativo na transversalidade com a pesquisa-ação, realizado no interior da Bahia com um grupo de mulheres, idade entre 53 a 73 anos, de um núcleo interdisciplinar de cuidados à saúde, todas com déficit de autocuidado potencializado pelo analfabetismo. Os resultados demonstraram que no ciclo vital tardio, mães/avós encontraram na alfabetização o empoderamento da cidadania (...)
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    Evidence of validity of internal structure of the Functional Assessment of Chronic Illness Therapy-Spiritual Well-Being Scale (FACIT-Sp-12) in Brazilian adolescents with chronic health conditions.Willyane de Andrade Alvarenga, Lucila Castanheira Nascimento, Flávio Rebustini, Claudia Benedita dos Santos, Holger Muehlan, Silke Schmidt, Monika Bullinger, Fernanda Mayrink Gonçalves Liberato & Margarida Vieira - 2022 - Frontiers in Psychology 13.
    This study explored the evidence of validity of internal structure of the 12-item Functional Assessment of Chronic Illness Therapy—Spiritual Wellbeing Scale in Brazilian adolescents with chronic health conditions. The study involved 301 Brazilian adolescents with cancer, type 1 diabetes mellitus, or cystic fibrosis. Exploratory Factor Analysis, Confirmatory Factor Analysis, and Item Response Theory were used to test the internal structure. Reliability was determined with Cronbach’s Alpha and McDonald’s Omega. The EFA suggested a one-dimensional scale structure in contrast to the original (...)
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  26.  13
    A Política Educativa Para Mulheres Em Situação de Cárcere: Um Estudo de Caso No Conjuto Penal Nilton Gonçalves.Klyvia Larissa de Andrade Silva Vieira & Cristiane da Silva Santana - 2022 - Aprender-Caderno de Filosofia E Psicologia da Educação 28:148-160.
    O presente artigo apresenta um recorte de uma pesquisa de trabalho de conclusão de curso, cujo objetivo foi analisar as especificidades de como ocorre a Educação de Jovens e Adultos – EJA – de mulheres que vivem em situação carcerária, bem como as contribuições e limitações do processo educacional para a ressignificação e reinserção na sociedade. Especificamente a pesquisa se propõe a compreender como ocorre a Educação de Jovens e Adultos no sistema penitenciário feminino; apontar as contribuições da EJA no (...)
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  27.  33
    Branquitude, racismo e sexismo em docências realizadas por mulheres negras no ensino de história.Carla Beatriz Meinerz, Priscila de Souza Santos & Priscila Nunes Pereira - 2021 - Odeere 6 (1):109-137.
    Objetiva-se no texto analisar o ensino de história na formação inicial e continuada, através do estágio docente obrigatório em espaços escolares, tematizando o racismo institucional e o sexismo. O conceito de racismo institucional será interseccionado com o de sexismo, pois a análise destaca fenômenos observados com jovens estudantes negras, licenciandas do Curso de História da Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Sul. Sob a perspectiva da abordagem qualitativa, consideram-se as práticas pedagógicas, construídas em processos de ensino e pesquisa, desenvolvidas a (...)
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  28.  15
    Book Review - Canullo, Carla. O Quiasmo da Tradução. Metáfora e Verdade. Traduzido por Íris Fátima da Silva Uribe e Luis Uribe Miranda. Anhangabaú - Jundiaí, SP: Paco Editorial, 2020. [REVIEW]Andreas Gonçalves Lind - 2020 - Revista Portuguesa de Filosofia 76 (2-3):1215-1220.
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  29. New Essays on Semantic Externalism and Self-Knowledge.Susana Nuccetelli (ed.) - 2003 - MIT Press.
    This book shows that the debate over the compatibility of externalism and self-knowledge has led to the investigation of a variety of topics, including the a...
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  30. The Turing Test is a Thought Experiment.Bernardo Gonçalves - 2023 - Minds and Machines 33 (1):1-31.
    The Turing test has been studied and run as a controlled experiment and found to be underspecified and poorly designed. On the other hand, it has been defended and still attracts interest as a test for true artificial intelligence (AI). Scientists and philosophers regret the test’s current status, acknowledging that the situation is at odds with the intellectual standards of Turing’s works. This article refers to this as the Turing Test Dilemma, following the observation that the test has been under (...)
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  31. Knowing that one knows what one is talking about.Susana Nuccetelli - 2003 - In New Essays on Semantic Externalism and Self-Knowledge. MIT Press. pp. 169--184.
    Twin-earth thought experiments, standardly construed, support the externalist doctrine that the content of propositional attitudes involving natural-kind terms supervenes upon properties external to those who entertain them. But this doctrine in conjunction with a common view of self-knowledge might have the intolerable consequence that substantial propositions concerning the environment could be knowable a priori. Since both doctrines, externalism and privileged self-knowledge, appear independently plausible, there is then a paradox facing the attempt to hold them concurrently. I shall argue, however, that (...)
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  32. Empathy and morality in behaviour readers.Susana Monsó - 2015 - Biology and Philosophy 30 (5):671-690.
    It is tempting to assume that being a moral creature requires the capacity to attribute mental states to others, because a creature cannot be moral unless she is capable of comprehending how her actions can have an impact on the well-being of those around her. If this assumption were true, then mere behaviour readers could never qualify as moral, for they are incapable of conceptualising mental states and attributing them to others. In this paper, I argue against such an assumption (...)
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  33. Explanations of the evolution of sex: A plurality of local mechanisms.Carla Fehr - 2006 - In Stephen H. Kellert, Helen E. Longino & C. Kenneth Waters (eds.), Scientific Pluralism, Minnesota Studies in the Philosophy of Science (Vol 19). University of Minnesota Press. pp. 167-189.
    The evolutionary maintenance of sexual reproduction is a case of explanatory pluralism of central importance to evolutionary biology. I analyze this pluralism from an epistemological perspective. My thesis is that the various explanations of sex are explanatory by virtue of local factors and hence are importantly distinct from one another and cannot be subsumed under a single unifying framework. A critic may argue that philosophical accounts of mechanism can provide just such a framework. I show that this attempt at unification (...)
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    Reclaiming Representation: Contemporary Advances in the Theory of Political Representation.Mónica Brito Vieira - 2017 - Routledge.
    Representation is integral to the functioning and legitimacy of modern government. Yet political theorists have often been reluctant to engage directly with questions of representation, and empirical political scientists have closed down such questions by making representation synonymous with congruence. Conceptually unproblematic and normatively inert for some, representation has been deemed impossible to pin down analytically and to defend normatively by others. But this is changing. Political theorists are now turning to political representation as a subject worthy of theoretical investigation (...)
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    On the notion of contrast in information structure and discourse structure.Umbach Carla - 2004 - Journal of Semantics 21 (2):155-175.
  36.  28
    Attitudes toward assisted death amongst doctors in Northern Portugal.Ferraz Gonçalves - 2021 - Clinical Ethics 16 (2):88-97.
    Introduction Context: In Portugal assisted death was approved in February 2020 by the Parliament, although the law is not yet in force. Objectives To find out what doctors think about those practices. Methods A link to a questionnaire was sent by email three times, at intervals of one week, to the doctors registered in the Northern Section of the Portuguese Medical Association, before the Parliamentary approval. Results The questionnaire was returned by 1148 physicians. A minority of doctors would practice a (...)
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    Pelas vias do texto.Wilbett Oliveira - 2023 - Desleituras Literatura Filosofia Cinema e outras artes 5:178.
    Coletânea de resenhas e artigos organizada pelo poeta e editor Wilbett Oliveira: SUMÀRIOPARTE UM — RESENHAS 11 Sobre as paixões por Clarice LispectorWilbett Oliveira 19 Sobre o romance “Canibalismo de Outono”, de Arturo GouveiaCícero Émerson do Nascimento Cardoso 27 Sobre “A poesia na precariedade do existir”Joel Cardoso 33 De norte ao sul do Brasil: pontos de convergênciaEster Abreu V. de Oliveira 43 Desvelando méritos ocultos Luiz Eduardo de Carvalho 49 Inventário para a poesia experimental portuguesaRodrigo da Costa Araujo 55 “Vaca (...)
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    Estilos de coping na predição de bem-estar psicológico de adolescentes; Coping strategies as predictors of adolescent's psychological well-being.Scheila Gonçalves Câmara & Jorge Castellá Sarriera - 2003 - Aletheia: An International Journal of Philosophy 17:83-93.
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    Fichte und die Aufklärung.Carla De Pascale (ed.) - 2004 - New York: G. Olms.
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    Etymologization as a Case of Pedagogical Lying in Plato.Celso Vieira - 2020 - Méthexis 32 (1):63-85.
    In the Cratylus, Plato criticizes the traditional rendering of Hades’ name as the ‘in-visible’ while in the Phaedo he endorses it. Despite this conflict, in both cases, the etymologies are used to oppose the negative characterization of this god by the tradition, just as prescribed in the Republic. Furthermore, both dialogues convey a similar description of Hades as an intellectual realm. Thus, there is an underlying conceptual coherence and a use of conflicting etymologies serving the same practical prescription. This article (...)
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  41.  44
    A Bio-Social and Ethical Framework for Understanding Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorders.Carla Meurk, Jayne Lucke & Wayne Hall - 2014 - Neuroethics 7 (3):337-344.
    The diagnosis of Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorders is embedded in a matrix of biological, social and ethical processes, making it an important topic for crossdisciplinary social and ethical research. This article reviews different branches of research relevant to understanding how FASD is identified and defined and outlines a framework for future social and ethical research in this area. We outline the character of scientific research into FASD, epidemiological discrepancies between reported patterns of maternal alcohol consumption during pregnancy and the incidence (...)
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    On the individuation of complex computational models: Gilbert Simondon and the technicity of AI.Susana Aires - forthcoming - AI and Society:1-14.
    The proliferation of AI systems across all domains of life as well as the complexification and opacity of algorithmic techniques, epitomised by the bourgeoning field of Deep Learning (DL), call for new methods in the Humanities for reflecting on the techno-human relation in a way that places the technical operation at its core. Grounded on the work of the philosopher of technology Gilbert Simondon, this paper puts forward individuation theory as a valuable approach to reflect on contemporary information technologies, offering (...)
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    From Gender to Omeotlization: Toward a Decolonial Ontology.Susana E. Matallana-Peláez - 2020 - Hypatia 35 (3):373-392.
    This article examines the treatment of gender and the woman question in the ongoing Latin American decolonial debate. More specifically, it traces how the Zapatistas and other indigenous movements as well as some of the main mestizo male voices in this debate have endeavored to frame these issues and the criticism they have received from María Lugones and other decolonial feminists. It then points to some of the limitations in Lugones's own approach, and in a final stream of discussion, it (...)
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    A Exploração Do Trabalho Como Condição Do Lucro Comercial e da Renda Fundiária No Pensamento de Marx.Mailson Bruno de Queiroz Carneiro Gonçalves & Eduardo Ferreira Chagas - forthcoming - Revista Dialectus.
    O objetivo deste artigo é demonstrar, a partir do pensamento de Marx, como o lucro comercial e a renda fundiária – dois componentes do mais-valor que, juntamente com o salário, correspondem aos rendimentos da fórmula trinitária – pressupõem a exploração do trabalho ou o intercâmbio desigual que mantém o processo de acumulação capitalista. As remunerações do comerciante e do proprietário fundiário, muito embora apareçam na superfície da economia moderna dissociadas do seu fundamento real, como se fossem autônomas e sem qualquer (...)
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  45. 'Latinos', 'hispanics', and 'iberoamericans': Naming or describing?Susana Nuccetelli - 2001 - Philosophical Forum 32 (2):175–188.
    In some ways that have been largely ignored, ethnic-group names might be similar to names of other kinds. If they are, for instance, analogous to proper names, then a correct semantic account of the latter could throw some light on how the meaning of ethnic-group names should be construed. Of course, proper names, together with definite descriptions, belong to the class of singular terms, and an influential view on the semantics of such terms was developed, at the turn of the (...)
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    Treatment Outcome in Male Gambling Disorder Patients Associated with Alcohol Use.Susana Jiménez-Murcia, Amparo Del Pino-Gutiérrez, Fernando Fernández-Aranda, Roser Granero, Anders Hakänsson, Salomé Tárrega, Ana Valdepérez, Neus Aymamí, Mónica Gómez-Peña, Laura Moragas, Marta Baño, Anne Sauvaget, Maria Romeu, Trevor Steward & José M. Menchón - 2016 - Frontiers in Psychology 7.
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    A Pesquisa Científica Na Educação e a Imersão de Novos Paradigmas: Possibilidades Para Metodologias Significativas.Hildegard Susana Jung, Idio Fridolino Altmann & Fabiana Moreno das Neves - 2023 - Conjectura: Filosofia E Educação 28:023003.
    O objetivo do presente artigo consiste em apresentar uma reflexão sobre os paradigmas existentes e emergentes frente a um contexto teórico-científico e a necessidade de mudança devido aos desafios enfrentados em determinados momentos. Assim, o texto, de abordagem qualitativa e caracterizado como uma revisão bibliográfica, contextualiza acerca deste braço da filosofia que trata da natureza da pesquisa científica, do conhecimento no campo educacional, não somente do âmbito da epistemologia, mas também da fundamentação dos paradigmas das ciências e da educação, e (...)
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    Conversas com Foucault e Coutinho. Ensaiar modos de vida impuros com a escrita na universidade.Teresa Paula Nico Rego Gonçalves & Thiago Ranniery - 2023 - Dois Pontos 19 (3).
    A partir da experiência de coordenação de um programa de oficinas de escrita acadêmica, este texto explora uma maneira de conceituar as reverberações da impureza na escrita acadêmica a partir da transformação da paisagem política no ensino superior na última década do Brasil. Ao entrelaçar entrevistas de Michel Foucault com o documentário Jogo de Cena de Eduardo Coutinho, procura-se investigar os contornos da experiência da escrita acadêmica a partir do encantamento das palavras introduzido pelo gênero ensaio, que introduz os efeitos (...)
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  49. Factor Analysis of EMA-Scale on Adolescent Adjustment From a Developmental Perspective: A Short Form.Lucía Jiménez, Susana Menéndez & Victoria Hidalgo - 2018 - Frontiers in Psychology 9.
    Many published instruments for assessing adolescent adjustment can be implemented in the school context. However, most of them fail to include a comprehensive and positive theoretical perspective of adolescent development and, even when they do, priority is often given to the clinical perspective, or problems with ecological validity and cost-effectiveness emerge. The Magallanes Adaptation Scale is a 90-item Likert-instrument designed for Spanish-speaking adolescents in order to screen several adjustment areas from a holistic and positive perspective of development. Although some evidence (...)
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    Magnitude or Multitude – What Counts?Martin Lachmair, Susana Ruiz Fernández, Korbinian Moeller, Hans-Christoph Nuerk & Barbara Kaup - 2018 - Frontiers in Psychology 9.
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